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T/V Chem Norma; Morrisburg, ON Canada

Morrisburg, ON Canada | 2018-May-29

Initial Notification: On the morning of June 29th, 2018, T/V Chem Norma grounded between Iriquois and Messena in Canadian waters. It is carrying 11 Metric Tons on Alkylated Arylamine and an unknown quantity of fuel and oil. There are no reports of pollution or discharges. Sector Buffalo contacted SSC and requested fate and effects of Alkylated Arylamine.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Chemical
Products of concern:Naptha Solvent
Total amount at risk of spill: 11 metric tons
Latitude (approximate): 44° 53.57′ North
Longitude (approximate): 75° 10.53′ West