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Tug GILCREST, Gig Harbor, WA; Carr Inlet, Pierce County, WA, USA

Carr Inlet, Pierce County, WA, USA | 2016-Oct-20

Initial Notification: On October 20, 2016, the USCG Sector Puget Sound notified the NW SSC that a submerged vessel “GILCREST” was reported in Carr Inlet, west of Gig Harbor, WA, physical address 8202 86th AVE, Gig Harbor, WA. The vessel is a 55ft tug converted to a recreational craft. On board is approximately 500 gallons of diesel. USCG is on scene and detects no sheen or signs of release. Vessel appears to be stable and not expected to drift, with upper part of mast just above surface of water. Vessel owner has contacted Boat U.S. for salvage.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Latitude (approximate): 47° 20.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 122° 39.34′ West