Unidentified Floating Containers; Manasquan, NJ
Manasquan, NJ | 2016-Jun-14
Initial Notification: On 14 June 2016, the USCG Sector New York contacted the NOAA SSC to report that there are two 500 gallon polyurethane containers floating at sea approximately 20-25 miles east of Manasquan Inlet, NJ. Contents and volume unknown. No visible markings except for "DANGER KEEP AWAY" painted on the sides of the containers. USCG requested trajectory.
Incident Details
Primary threat: | Chemical |
Products of concern: | Unknown |
Total amount at risk of spill: | 1000 gallons |
Latitude (approximate): | 40° 5.20′ North |
Longitude (approximate): | 73° 34.00′ West |