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F/V Orin C; Stellwagen Bank NMS, Massachusetts

Stellwagen Bank NMS, Massachusetts | 2015-Dec-04

Initial Notification: On December 3, 2015, the Orin C reported it was taking on water and requested help from the US Coast Guard Sector Boston. 3 crew were removed from the water as the ship was sinking, two of whom survived. The vessel subsequently sank in or near the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary about 9 miles SE of Cape Ann, MA. The fuel capacity was 750 gallons, however, as it was returning from a fishing trip, it is suspected that the volumes are substantially reduced. The vessel was confirmed sunk and the investigation continues, including a pending overflight.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Latitude (approximate): 42° 34.61′ North
Longitude (approximate): 70° 21.66′ West