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NOAA R/V Rainier; Womens Bay, Kodiak, AK

Womens Bay, Kodiak, AK | 2014-Sep-10

Initial Notification: On September 8, 2014, the NOAA vessel RAINIER was tied up at the USCG base in Kodiak, AK, when an oil sheen was noticed in the harbor area at the USCG facility. On September 9 the spill was attributed to the RAINIER. The discharge is still being investigated but a breach internal to the vessel allowed diesel fuel to contaminate a grey water holding tank.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Diesel
Total amount at risk of spill: 400 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 57° 42.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 152° 34.20′ West