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CT Wastewater Spill; Stamford, CT

Stamford, CT | 2014-May-02

Initial Notification: On May 1, 2014, the NOAA SSC was notified by USCG Sector Long Island Sound (SEC LIS) of a sewage spill from the wastewater treatment plant in Stamford, CT. The reports note that the spill began approximately 2230 Wednesday evening when water flow due to heavy rains exceeded the max capacity of the plant. The max potential sewage spill contaminated water is upwards of 25 million gallons (partially-treated sewage). Stamford City officials have cancelled marine events and posted notifications along the shore to prevent people from swimming, fishing and shell fishing.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Other
Products of concern:Sewage
Total amount at risk of spill: 25,000,000 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 41° 2.64′ North
Longitude (approximate): 73° 31.81′ West