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F/V Nat; Newport, OR

Newport, OR | 2013-Dec-15

Initial Notification: On 15 December 2013, the NW SSC was alerted by Sector Columbia River of the F/V Nat that sunk south of the South Jetty for the entrance to Newport, OR at approximately 1900 14 December 2013. There is currently no discharge, but there is a potential of 600 gallons of diesel. Salvage crews will be removing the fuel on 12/15, and vessel salvage operations will begin at some point in the near future. The USCG has asked the SSC for a worst case discharge trajectory, fate of potential release, and for notifications to the state and federal natural resource trustees

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Diesel
Total amount at risk of spill: 600 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 44° 36.72′ North
Longitude (approximate): 124° 4.23′ West