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M/V Sun Right; 40 nm NW of Akutan Island, AK

40 nm NW of Akutan Island, AK | 2013-Dec-10

Initial Notification: On December 10, 2013, the Alaska SSC was notified that the M/V SUN RIGHT, a 960-ft container vessel under Philippine Flag, was disabled and adrift with a closest point of land of 40NM NW of Akutan Island. The engine casualty is a damaged cylinder liner and the crew is currently conducting repairs. CG has put the SUN RIGHT on a two-hour comm sked and has requested a copy of the crew manifest, cargo manifest and total amount of petroleum product onboard. The vessel was later able to conduct repairs.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Various petroleum products
Total amount at risk of spill: 22 metric tons
Latitude (approximate): 54° 38.24′ North
Longitude (approximate): 167° 12.55′ West