Feeling Free; Woods Hole, MA
Woods Hole, MA | 2013-Jul-29
Initial Notification: On 29 July, 2013, the luxury yacht "Feeling Free" (112 foot, 203 gross tons) grounded in Woods Hole passage, MA. She has a fuel capacity of 5500 gallons of diesel and reports 3123 gallons on board. No pollution is reported. USCG crews are en-route. Salvage options are being considered. NOAA is examining resources at risk in the area and providing telephone support to the Coast Guard.
Incident Details
Primary threat: | Oil |
Tags: | Grounding |
Products of concern: | Diesel fuel |
Total amount at risk of spill: | 5500 gallons |
Latitude (approximate): | 41° 30.88′ North |
Longitude (approximate): | 70° 40.40′ West |