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Wellhead Release; Ship Shoal Block 225, GOM, Louisiana

Ship Shoal Block 225, GOM, Louisiana | 2013-Jul-09

Initial Notification: On 9 July 2013, the USCG Morgan City Marine Safety Unit contacted the NOAA SSC requesting trajectory support for an uncontrolled release from a wellhead located in Louisiana’s Ship Shoal Block 225, approximately 45 miles offshore. Natural gas and crude oil was reported as being released from the wellhead. Rainbow sheen is reported as 5 miles by ¼ miles. NOAA is currently providing scientific and weather support to the USCG.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Crude Oil
Latitude (approximate): 28° 28.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 91° 19.00′ West