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FV Naknek Spirit; Poe Bay, Passage Canal, PWS, AK

Poe Bay, Passage Canal, PWS, AK | 2013-Jul-06

Initial Notification: On July 6, 2013 the USCG Sector Anchorage notified the NOAA SSC of the FV Naknek Spirit grounding in Poe Bay, Prince William Sound. The 104 foot long fishing processor spilled an estimated 500 gallons of diesel and sheening has been reported. There was 10,000 gallons of diesel, 1200 gallons of gasoline, 75 gallons lube oil, and 100 gallons of hydraulic fluid on board. The Responsible Party has assumed full control and responsibility for the incident. All remaining fuel has been pumped into other tanks on the vessel. USCG estimates the vessel may float free at next high tide. USCG on scene and resource agencies have been notified. In fact, the vessel did float free on the next high tide, and motored via its own power back to Whittier. Case closed

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:diesel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic fluid
Total amount at risk of spill: 11,775 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 60° 49.78′ North
Longitude (approximate): 148° 31.01′ West