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aircraft crash Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico; near shoreline at Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico

near shoreline at Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico | 2013-Jun-23

Initial Notification: small single engine aircraft crashed near shoreline early afternoon 23 June 2013 at Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico. Reported fuel onboard was 30 gallons of 100 octane avgas. PRDNER reports plane is on a reef and pilot was taken to hospital. USCG investigators are enroute to scene. NMFS, PRDNER and USFWS have been notified.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Tags:Search + Rescue
Products of concern:100 octane avgas
Total amount at risk of spill: 30 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 18° 28.42′ North
Longitude (approximate): 66° 15.01′ West