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M/T Sichem Edinburgh; 20 mi Off Galveston, TX

20 mi Off Galveston, TX | 2013-May-20

Initial Notification: On 20MAy13, USCG MSU Texas City contacted NOAA SSC about a spill 20 miles offshore of Galveston, TX. A spill reported as 10-15 gallons, but considered by authorities to be 200-300 gallons, of #6 oil occurred at 29.12 N 094.57 W at 0730 Sunday 19 May 2012. The next morning, shoreline impacts are reported on Bermuda Beach Drive, consisting of surface residue balls of undetermined size and distribution intermixed with sea weed. USCG is requesting a hindcast to determine if the spill and shoreline impacts could be connected.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:#6 Oil
Total amount at risk of spill: 300 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 29° 7.20′ North
Longitude (approximate): 94° 34.20′ West