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Energy 21 Pipeline Leak W Delta31; Gulf of Mexico 30mi SE of Grand Isle, LA

Gulf of Mexico 30mi SE of Grand Isle, LA | 2012-Aug-24

Initial Notification: At 2215EDT USCG Marine Safety Unit Morgan City, LA contacted the NOAA SSC requesting a trajectory for a crude oil pipeline leak. Maximum potential volume in the 10" by 1.3mi pipeline is 667BBL. However, the product in the pipeline is 80% produced water and 20% crude oil (API=30), so the estimated total potential oil spill is approx. 133BBL (5600gal). Leak location is approximately 16mi ESE of Grand Isle, LA, and 9mi SW of Pelican Isl, in Lease Block West Delta 31. The leak was creating a sheen of 1.75mi x 1.75mi when observed during an overflight at 1830CDT, with a coverage of 70% of variously: Metallic, Transitional, and Silver color.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:South La Crude API 30 (20%) and 80% produced water
Total amount at risk of spill: 667 barrels
Latitude (approximate): 29° 8.63′ North
Longitude (approximate): 89° 40.53′ West