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C/V Edfu; near mouth of Columbia River, OR

near mouth of Columbia River, OR | 2011-Oct-11

Initial Notification: USCG Sector Portland contacted NOAAs Emergency Response Division at 1530 local time on Oct. 11, 2011 to report that the C/V Edfu is disabled and currently anchored off the coast of Oregon undergoing engine repairs. Its location was given as: 46°11'08.2"N--124°16'35.6"W, which is about 10 miles from land off the mouth of the Columbia River. It is reported to be carrying about 98,000 gallons of fuel oil, and 2,800 gallons of diesel fuel. We were asked for a trajectory analysis for a potential release of oil at about 1700 today.

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Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Fuel oil and diesel
Total amount at risk of spill: 98000 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 46° 11.14′ North
Longitude (approximate): 124° 16.59′ West