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F/V Copacetic sinking; Puget Pt, NW Gulf of Alaska

Puget Pt, NW Gulf of Alaska | 2011-Jul-07

Initial Notification: USCG reported that the F/V Copacetic sank at about 4pm yesterday, apparently due to a rogue wave. The crew have been reported as rescued and safe. The vessel is a 56 foot wooden fishing vessel. It is said to be carrying 2200 gal. diesel fuel. The vessel sank approximately 43 Miles east of Seward just off Cape Puget in 160 feet of water, at the location 59°55'N--148°27'W. That location is about 1.8 miles south of Cape Puget, in about 180 feet of water. Coast Guard has requested NOAA to provide possible scenarios and trajectory for possible fuel release from the vessel. No significant RAR were identified in the vicinity that might be oiled a sudden or slow release of the fuel. Hence it was decided to not pursue any further actions or remediation, and the case was closed. The seas were reported to be about 2' wind waves, plus swell, at the time of the incident. It is not known if any sheen was observed either yesterday or today.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:diesel
Total amount at risk of spill: 2200 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 59° 55.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 148° 27.00′ West