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Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline; San Diego, California

San Diego, California | 1994-Dec-22

Initial Notification: During the early afternoon of December 22, 1994, Santa Fe Pacific Pipeline (SFPP) reported that their facility in San Diego, California accidentally spilled Aviation-A fuel into San Diego Creek. Originally it had been reported that 500 to 1,000 gallons of product had bypassed an oily-waste treatment facility at the tank farm, been pumped directly to a charcoal filtration system, and then discharged into the creek. The creek empties into the San Diego River at the southeast corner of the parking lot next to Jack Murphy Stadium (between interstates 15 and 805). As the spill response progressed, the SFPP reported that approximately 60,000 gallons of Aviation-A fuel may have been pumped to the charcoal filtration system. The filter had been secured once the spill had been discovered, but as much as 40,000 gallons of product may have been discharged into the creek. The holding capacity of the filtration system is about 20,000 gallons. USCG district 11. Keyword: containment boom, endangered species, evaporation, low-pressure washing, shallow water recovery, siphon dams, skimmers, sorbent boom, sorbent pompoms, vacuum trucks.

Incident Details
Products of concern:Aviation-A fuel
Total amount at risk of spill: 40,000 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 32° 47.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 117° 6.48′ West