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T/B Jamaica Bay; Newark Bay, New Jersey

Newark Bay, New Jersey | 1994-Jul-27

Initial Notification: At 1945 on July 27, 1994, a sheen caused by overfilling tanks was detected around the tank barge Jamaica Bay while docked at the foot of Delancy Street in Port Newark, New Jersey. The temperature was in the mid-70s and the sea was calm. The responsible party hired cleanup contractors to vacuum the oil out of the containment boom and the USCG monitored the recovery operations. The response lasted one day. USCG district 5. Keyword: containment boom, evaporation, sorbent boom, vacuum trucks.

Incident Details
Products of concern:#2 oil
Latitude (approximate): 40° 42.00′ North
Longitude (approximate): 74° 7.00′ West