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F/V MERIDITH T; Harwichport, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts

Harwichport, Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts | 1989-Mar-18

Initial Notification: On March 18, 1989 the fishing vessel MERIDITH T sank in the open ocean three miles south of Harwichport in Nantucket Sound. Attempts to save the fishing vessel, which began taking on water at 0930, failed even after the entire cargo of clams had been dumped. The vessel's tanks contained an estimated 800 gallons of diesel fuel. USCG district 1.

Incident Details
Products of concern:Diesel fuel
Total amount at risk of spill: 800 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 41° 37.90′ North
Longitude (approximate): 70° 3.59′ West