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For Your Eyes Only; Hillsboro Inlet, Florida

Hillsboro Inlet, Florida | 1987-Nov-23

Initial Notification: On November 23, 1987, the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office, Miami, received a report of a sunken yacht, the 105-foot For Your Eyes Only, one-quarter nautical mile offshore of Hillsboro Inlet, Florida. The yacht had gone down at approximately 0900 with 4,000-5,000 gallons of diesel fuel aboard. The yacht apparently foundered in the current heavy seas; no structural damage to the fuel tanks was suspected, nor was there a fire or explosion. Diesel was observed to be surfacing in the vicinity of the wreck and was thought to be leaking out of the tank vents. USCG district 7.

Incident Details
Products of concern:Diesel fuel
Total amount at risk of spill: 5,000 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 26° 17.69′ North
Longitude (approximate): 80° 58.55′ West