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Air International Hangar; St. Petersburg, Florida

St. Petersburg, Florida | 1987-Apr-01

Initial Notification: NOAA/OAD was notified of the incident on April 1, 1987, by the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office (MSO), Tampa, and requested to provide toxicological data on the materials contained in the solution. NOAA transmitted physical and chemical properties on each of the spilled chemicals to the Coast Guard MSO. Specifically, NOAA indicated that most of the methylene chloride should have evaporated away due to its high vapor pressure. Phenol has a lower vapor pressure and is soluble in water and could present a skin contact problem. The metals could be highly hazardous if in a dust form and inhaled. However, since the metals were most likely in a salt form and tied up in the sediment, they did not present a respiratory hazard. Since metals could get in the food chain and bioconcentrate, contaminated sediment should be removed. USCG district 7.

Incident Details
Products of concern:Phenol Contaminated water
Total amount at risk of spill: 100,000 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 27° 58.61′ North
Longitude (approximate): 82° 32.05′ West