Ekofisk Bravo oil field; Norway, North Sea
Norway, North Sea | 1977-Apr-22
Initial Notification: On April 22, 1977, well B-14 on the Phillips Petroleum Company's "Bravo" production platform in the Norwegian Ekofisk field experienced an oil and natural gas blowout. This platform is 180 miles southwest of the Ekofisk oil field center in approximately 230 feet of water. The blowout resulted in the first major oil release in the North Sea. A red-brown mixture composed of oil and mud spurted up to 180 feet into the air above the offshore drilling rig. The "blowout preventer" had apparently been placed upside down on the wellhead during an earlier maintenance procedure. The 112 crew members on the platform were safely evacuated. The blowout resulted in a continuous discharge of crude oil through an open pipe 20 meters above the sea surface. At an estimated rate of 1170 barrels per hour, approximately 202,380 barrels of oil escaped before the well was finally capped 7 days later on April 30th. Considerably less oil entered the water due to rapid evaporation. As much as 30-40% of the escaping oil may have evaporated before of shortly after hitting the water. A higher than average air temperature (75?F) and the formation of small oil droplets contributed to rapid evaporation rate. Four to six foot sea conditions and below average sea surface temperature conditions existed in the area of the platform at the time of the blowout. Red Adair was contracted by Phillips to assist in capping the blowout. Although weather conditions and hazardous gas accumulations slowed capping efforts, the rig was capped on April 30. The Norwegian State Pollution Control Board declared that no major ecological damage resulted from the spill. Following an inspection tour on the day of the capping, two U.S. Coast Guard experts recommended against sending any oil-skimming equipment to Norway. Weather and wave action during the following days were predicted to eliminate any visible slick. Keyword: Blowout, drift cards, evaporation, water washing..
Products of concern: | Ekofisk crude oil |
Latitude (approximate): | 56° 34.00′ North |
Longitude (approximate): | 3° 12.00′ East |