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Ievoli Splendor; Houston Ship Channel, TX

Houston Ship Channel, TX | 2004-Dec-15

Initial Notification: During the night of 15 December 2004, the chemical tanker IEVOLI SPLENDOR collided with a barge resulting in damage to a tank and spilled some 20 to 40 bbls of heavy fuel oil (IFO-180) in the Houston Shipping Channel, closing the channel. The Responsible Party's spill management team proposed that PES-51 spray and wipe technique be applied (chemical cleaning agent).

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:Heavy Fuel Oil (IFO 180)
Total amount at risk of spill: 1,680 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 29° 43.09′ North
Longitude (approximate): 95° 1.66′ West
On-Water Recovery: Applied
Shoreline Cleanup: Applied
Dispersants: Unknown/Not applicable
In-Situ Burn: Unknown/Not applicable
Bioremediation: Unknown/Not applicable