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Medical Waste: Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Shorelines

Newark, MD, USA | 2024-Sep-16

Initial Notification: On 16 September 2024, the State of Maryland notified the NOAA SSC about medical wastes coming ashore on Maryland's beaches. Also received USCG reports about medical wastes coming ashore along the northern beaches of Virgina, specifically the Assateague/Chincoteague area. Maryland OSC requested a hindcast.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Other
Tags:Marine Debris
Products of concern:marine debris
Latitude (approximate): 38° 11.77′ North
Longitude (approximate): 75° 9.53′ West
On-Water Recovery: Unknown/Not applicable
Shoreline Cleanup: Applied
Dispersants: Unknown/Not applicable
In-Situ Burn: Unknown/Not applicable
Bioremediation: Unknown/Not applicable