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FV Doxa; Prince of Wales Island, AK

Prince of Wales Island, AK | 2021-Aug-10

Initial Notification: On August 7, 2921, the 58-foot FV Doxa ran aground and sank, in the vicinity of Skowl Point, off of Prince of Wales Island, AK. The vessel was carrying approximately 800 gallons of diesel, and a large quantity of the diesel fuel (at least 400 of the 800 present, if not the total quantity), was released, producing a significant sheen. The SSC was contacted regarding potential impacts and fate and trajectory of the spill.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:diesel
Total amount at risk of spill: 800 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 55° 25.09′ North
Longitude (approximate): 132° 16.09′ West