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Mystery Spill- Back Bay Biloxi; Biloxi, MS, USA

Biloxi, MS, USA | 2021-Jun-28

Initial Notification: On 28 JUN USCG Sector Mobile IMD notified SSC of a mystery spill in the vicinity of Biloxi Back Bay. Approximately 500 feet of shoreline (marsh) impacted by dark oil (possibly motor oil, lube oil). No known source identified. USCG opened the Fund (OSLTF) and hired a local contractor (E3). Spill contained and cleanup ongoing. SSC is advising on cleanup techniques.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:oil
Total amount at risk of spill: 50 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 30° 25.06′ North
Longitude (approximate): 88° 51.99′ West
On-Water Recovery: Applied
Shoreline Cleanup: Applied
Dispersants: Unknown/Not applicable
In-Situ Burn: Unknown/Not applicable
Bioremediation: Unknown/Not applicable