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VMT Sump Release; Valdez, AK

Valdez, AK | 2020-Apr-12

Initial Notification: At 2000 hrs on 12-Apr-2020, USCG Marine Safety Unit Valdez was notified of an oily water discharge from the Valdez Marine Terminal into Port Valdez. A 180' x 50' silver sheen was observed at Berth 4. The source is a failed sump that has been secured. Phone support at this time.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Oil
Products of concern:North Slope Crude
Total amount at risk of spill: 620 gallons
Latitude (approximate): 61° 5.50′ North
Longitude (approximate): 146° 23.51′ West
On-Water Recovery: Applied
Shoreline Cleanup: Applied
Dispersants: Unknown/Not applicable
In-Situ Burn: Unknown/Not applicable
Bioremediation: Unknown/Not applicable