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Calcium Chloride ; 120nm off TX

120nm off TX | 2012-Feb-19

Initial Notification: On 19FEB12 USCG Texas City contact NOAA SSC about a calcium chloride release of 2,025 bbl at ~3600 ft below the sea surface. The chemical is not a regulated substance and is of little environmental impact. The concern from USCG was related to the proximity to National Marine Sanctuary Flower Gardens (~50nm away). After consulting previous Responselink Hotlines and a chemist, NOAA SSC confirmed USCG suspicions that this release would not likely impact the Flower Gardens and that there is little environmental impact anticipated. Calcium Chloride is an inorganic salt that will slowly distribute along the seabed and slowly dissolve into seawater with no long term toxicity. The NRC reported is posted and this hotline will be closed out.

Incident Details
Primary threat:Chemical
Products of concern:Calcium Chloride
Total amount at risk of spill: 2025 barrels
Latitude (approximate): 27° 23.75′ North
Longitude (approximate): 94° 27.13′ West